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Rette ein Kind Rette eine Familie


SAHAS is an umbrella organization, a Federation of over 20 independent Global Afghan Hindus and Sikhs Associations established as a 501 (c)(3) public charity on Aug 15th, 2021, in New York, USA.

To work together formally, more precisely an association union representing Afghan Hindus and Sikhs worldwide.

Members have adopted the same, or a very similar cause who are working in union to accomplish some worthy objectives, and who for that reason have banded themselves together as a federation of associations or societies to aid and assist one another to promote the common cause.





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Dies ist ein großartiger Ort, um lange Texte über Ihr Unternehmen und Ihre Dienstleistungen zu schreiben. Sie können diesen Raum nutzen, um etwas mehr ins Detail über Ihr Unternehmen zu gehen. Sprechen Sie über Ihr Team und welche Dienstleistungen Sie anbieten. 

SAHAS is a non-profit corporation and shall be operated exclusively for Religious, educational and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or the corresponding section of any future Federal tax code

 Federal EIN 87-2151212

                 Filed with NYS Department of State on 08/06/2021                 Filling Number 210812002514 DOS ID 6242407

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